Price list

StadtRAD Hamburg is Deutsche Bahn's bike sharing service for Hamburg. It is environmentally friendly and affordable!

You can use StadtRAD Hamburg with these tariffs, unless otherwise agreed:

Light Tariff
  • no base fee
  • €0.10 / minute
  • max. €9 / day (bike), €24 / day (cargo pedelec)
  • rent 1 bike
Normal Tariff
  • €5 / year (credited as ride voucher in the 1st year)
  • 30 free minutes / ride
  • then €0.10 / minute
  • max. €9 / day (bike), €24 / day (cargo pedelec)
  • rent up to 4 bikes at the same time
BahnCard Tariff
  • €5 / year (credited as ride voucher in the 1st year)
  • 30 free minutes / ride
  • then €0.08 / minute
  • max. €9 / day (bike), €24 / day (cargo pedelec)
  • rent up to 2 bikes at the same time
Deutschlandticket Tariff
  • €5 / year (credited as ride voucher in the 1st year)
  • 30 free minutes / ride
  • then €0.08 / minute
  • max. €9 / day (bike), €24 / day (cargo pedelec)
  • rent up to 2 bikes at the same time

Daily price

The displayed maximum price per day (max. price/day) refers to a ride with one bike up to 24 hours from the start time of the booking. If you want to interrupt the ride, pause the ride but do not end it. New rides are recalculated and do not count towards the daily price of the last ride. As soon as you exceed 24 hours on a ride with one bike, you pay another full daily price. Example: if you ride for 24 hours and 1 minute, we will charge you the price for 2 days (48 hours).

Maximum rental period: Bike sharing is intended to ensure fast and flexible mobility over the last mile. The bikes should therefore only be rented for a short time and then be available again for other users. In the bike sharing systems of Deutsche Bahn Connect GmbH, the maximum rental period is therefore limited to 72 hours (three days) per ride. After that, the rental can be terminated by us. For longer rentals, we recommend a classic bike rental.

Ride pause

Please note that the time you take a pause will be counted as part of your ride time. You will pay a maximum of the daily rate.

Bookings of new StadtRAD bikes with front carrier during pauses are automatically terminated after 24 hours. If the paused StadtRAD is not parked at a station, this will result in a service fee. To avoid this, end the pause before 24 hours have elapsed.

Tariffs with discounts and special agreements

You can use a tariff with a discount or special conditions if you can provide proof of eligibility. This applies, for example, to student and business tariffs, the BahnCard or the Deutschlandticket tariff. If you no longer qualify, we can switch you to the Light tariff with no basic fee.

Special terms of use for cargo pedelecs

Home stations: Cargo pedelecs need a charging station in a sufficiently large space. This is only available at the respective home station of the bike. The respective home station is printed on the bike and is also displayed in the app when the bike is rented. Please only return the cargo pedelec to this home station. Otherwise we will have a lot of work to get the bike back there and we will charge you a service fee of 50 €.


You can reserve cargo pedelecs 60 minutes in advance. This reservation does not count as booking time and costs 3 €, which will be credited to you as credit for this ride at the start of the ride. Unused ride credit expires without replacement.

Fares when using other products

With the StadtRAD app, you can also rent bikes from the bike sharing systems Call a Bike, RegioRadStuttgart and StadtRAD Lüneburg. Here, the prices of the local tariff apply without a base fee, unless otherwise agreed:


We offer our bikes at stations. This makes it easy for you to find the bikes and we can offer a good service. You should always return your bike to a station. Only there is the return free of charge. You can see the stations on the map in the app. This helps you to find bikes quickly and return them to the right place. Depending on the return location, we automatically charge the following fees for your ride:

  • Return at a station shown in the app: free of charge

  • 1 € flex fee for return in the flex zone (until 31.03.2025)

  • 10 € fee for returns not at a station but still within the city area

  • 25 € fee for return outside the city area

The following service fees may also be charged for use not in compliance with the contract:

EUR 10 service fee

  • the parking location leads to an obstruction in the public space, which makes it necessary for our service team to move the bike

EUR 25 service fee

  • Return to an area that is not publicly accessible or difficult to access, e.g. backyard, stairwell, basement, green spaces, etc.

EUR 50 service fee

  • Leaving the bike without proper locking

  • Return of a cargo pedelec not at the home station

Payment failure

We charge a flat rate of EUR 5 if the payment process fails, i.e. if you have selected the SEPA direct debit process as a payment method in your account but a direct debit transaction cannot be completed as intended.

Last modified: March 24, 2025