Rent a StadtRAD neo by key fob

How it works

Start ride

  1. Hold the RFID key fob to a lock with flashing green light...

  2. ...until the light flashes green and red alternately.

  3. A short tone and green light signalize that the lock is open.


  1. Hold the RFID key fob to the open lock...

  2. ...until you hear a long beep and the light on the lock flashes alternately green and red.

  3. Close the lock within 60 seconds to activate the pause.

The maximum pause duration can be 24 hours. The ride is then ended automatically.

End ride

  • Close the lock by pushing the lever all the way down.

  • 2 short beeps and alternating green and red lights confirm the successful completion of the ride.

Ending a ride outside a station

Ending a ride is only free of charge at a virtual station (without signage) or stations with signage.

  1. When ending a ride outside a station

  2. ... you will hear a long beep and the light alternates between green and red

  3. You now have 5 minutes to continue the ride by holding the RFID key fob to the lock again and opening it to ride the bike to a station or take a break.

After the 5 minutes have elapsed, the ride will end automatically and a service fee of at least €10 will be charged.

Are you sure you are standing at a station and still get 60s regular tones? Please contact our customer service: 040 / 82218810 - 0

Lock does not open: reason 1

A long beep sounds (approx. 3s): Maybe the spokes are blocking the lock. > Move the wheel a little and open the lock again if necessary.

If the lock does not open during a paused ride, please contact our customer service: 040 / 82218810 - 0

Lock does not open: reason 2

A long beep sounds (approx. 6s): the bike is reserved, paused or locked/defective > Find another bike

If the lock does not open during a paused ride, please contact our customer service: 040 / 82218810 - 0